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Source code for kinship and fertility part 1
Source code for kinship and fertility part 2
Source code for kinship and fertility part 3
Source code for kinship and fertility part 4
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Below are articles:
Open letter to Alexey Komov June 4, 2019



Movie 53 Prophesy 8 Environment collapse:
Let’s have a quick runaround and see how some environmental numbers look.

Like anything else, the environment can collapse.  Perhaps you remember this image I showed you in June of 2019:
concentration map

Here it is a bit over a month later:
concentration map 

I mentioned then that if a big hole in the ice opens right on the North Pole, there is a significant chance that since the amount of energy that would be absorbed there would produce a thunderstorm that drew on the sunlight being absorbed by the whole world.  The heat will try to make its way to the coldest place, the South Pole.  That’s the definition of energy.  On the way it could drop hail enough to form a glacier thousands of feet deep and hundreds of miles across. 
It could happen this year; look at the ice.  Your guess is as good as mine. 
I’ve spoken of this before, so I will not further belabor it except to point out that in this case, the environment will be very, very different, and not just where the glacier will lie.  California and China both look possible on the map. 
A few months ago, in a passion of panic, I suggested we would see the jet stream reverse.  Nobody else was concerned, so I repented and dropped the issue.  However if you look at this, 7/27/19
you can see (this is actually a forecast) the jet stream squirting across the north of Siberia and then turning back along the edge of the Arctic Ocean.  If it is moving warmer air along its westward course, the ice in that area should be melting at a higher rate, which suggests it might imperil Asia more and California less than ice cover itself would suggest. 

Fresh water
Here are some facts from the UN.
Key facts 7/26/19
From the looks of it, the problem is a matter of engineering.  They don’t seem to be worried that the day might come when the water just isn’t there.